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Knight of the Highlander Page 4
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Page 4
She paused a moment before answering. "Aye, of course." She hesitated, tilting her head to the side and regarding him with a sharp eye. "We're friends, aren't we Colin?"
"I'd like tae think so, aye."
"If I asked ye a question, ye would tell me true, wouldn't ye?" she asked, watching his eyes with care.
"Aye lass that I would," his heart spoke the words before his mind could remind him of the impossibility. Especially if her question regarded a certain rogue who rescued her the night before…
"What do ye think, of my father's announcement? How do ye feel about a traitor in our midst?" she asked in a lowered voice, as if she were afraid of speaking the question aloud.
Colin was surprised at her question, but he made sure his face wouldn't betray his shock. He relaxed his posture so that he braced himself against the wall, and folded his muscular arms across his chest. He took a moment to regard her.
"Well, tae be true 'tis disconcernin' thinking about a traitor sneakin' round our home trying to cause trouble. I don't like the thought, not one bit," he responded, as he purposefully held eye contact throughout the length of his lie.
How he hated lying to her, especially after just promising to be honest. The lie sat like a burr in his chest, but he saw no way around it. Hopefully it was the only lie he'd be forced to give her, at least today.
"As for yer da, what do you mean his announcement?" he asked, curious. With a profuse blush that reached to her hairline she looked down at her feet and teased the plaid with her fingers, picking away imaginary dust.
"About his promise of…" She trailed off before finishing. With a shake of her head she glanced up. "Nothing, 'tis nothing. Forget I asked," she spoke with quick words before spinning on her heel, and attempting to rush away.
He reached out and gently grasped her arm, halting her escape. Her green eyes held both fear and self-recrimination. He searched her expression, and then mentally went over her last words. At last he figured out what she was asking, and the realization both thrilled and chilled him to his core. Humbled at her bravery in approaching him for such a bold request, he was not willing to let her berate herself for her courage.
"Aye lass, indeed there is nothing more that I'd like than tae catch the cur betraying our clan so that I could have ye," he whispered, his gaze boring into hers with sincerity, yet certain hopelessness clenched his heart as well.
What a tangled web!
To do what she was asking, he'd be turning himself in, hanging, and most assuredly not marrying her. Yet as futile as the situation was, his heart rejoiced. She wanted him, at least the person he was pretending to be. It filled him with a joy he didn't know existed.
"Truly?" she asked. A fierce light of expectation and hope illuminated her deep emerald eyes as she searched his gaze.
"Truly lass." The words poured from Colin's soul. There was no deeper a desire than to possess her, however unlikely. Reluctantly, he released his grip on her arm before tracing its length with his fingers. She closed her eyes, and Colin's mind replayed their kiss night before and with supreme self-control he released her completely, taking a step back from temptation itself.
"Aye lass, ye've made me a prideful man today with your brave request." A moment passed as he let his gaze bore into hers, surely betraying the depth of his emotion.
She appeared to be hesitant once again as she glanced up at him through her dark lashes. A question was in her eyes before it made it to her lips.
"So, what should we do?"
"We?" Colin asked. He suspected her plan, yet if there was ever a time to pretend ignorance, it was now.
The exasperated look on Arywnn's face was comical as she rolled her eyes and placed a dainty hand on her hip. "Aye we! I can help ye ken. The best way is if we work together, don't ye think?"
"I don't know why ye need tae be involved. 'Tis dangerous work even for a man, let alone a bonny lass such as yerself." The tone of his voice was calm, as he tried to undermine her attempt to cajole him into letting her search as well. A blush tinted her cheeks at his compliment, and he felt a self-satisfied smile try to break free.
"Thank ye, but I can take care of myself."
The temptation to remind her of last night's misadventure was nearly overwhelming. He bit his tongue to keep the words from escaping but before his teeth drew blood, she glanced down and flushed as if remembering. Relieved, he took a deep breath.
"Why the sudden lack of courage lass?" he prodded her, wondering if she'd confide in him.
"Tis none of yer business." The flash of anger in her eyes was impressive, but he couldn't leave the question alone. He had to know where her loyalty lied.
"Och, lass but yer mistakin'." The words tumbled out as he met her defiant gaze with a calculating glance of his own.
"If'n I'm to catch the knave and win you're bonny hand, then I need any information ye can offer. That makes it my business. After all…" He took a step closer to her, and inhaled the rosemary scent that would follow him throughout all his dreams. "Ye did ask for my help, did ye not?"
She watched him with a curious expression.
"Aye, but…" She watched him. As the seconds ticked by, Colin wondered again if maybe he had given away a clue. A quick mental review of his words assured him that he hadn't misspoken.
"But what lass?" He forced himself to have an indifferent expression as he watched her.
"Am I that easy to read then?" Her words surprised him. The focus of his fears had been on himself; never once had he questioned her fears in the situation. With a self-recriminating mental slap, he tried to assure her.
"Only to those who ken ye lass." After last night, she would have reason to be afraid that her expression would potentially give away the truth of what happened to her. Not waiting for her to continue to question herself, he pushed onward. The urge to know whether she trusted him enough to confide in him regarding what happened last night compelled him.
"So, do ye ken somethin' lass? Perhaps did ye saw something…?" He waited; using his training to appear relaxed, while inside his heart nearly burst from the intense strain of his own curiosity.
"Perhaps?" The suspense was torturing his patience.
"This is not the place to speak of it."
A glance around proved her correct, and he chastened himself for not being more vigilant. "Wise. How 'bout tonight, near the loch. Ye remember the burned tree? There." He spoke in low tones as his eyes scanned the street for curious passersby.
"Aye, that'll do. When?"
"Till then Colin." She nodded and backed away, a small smile teasing her full pink lips.
"I'll count the hours Arywnn. Tis the truth." The words rang with sincerity. A blush teased her high cheekbones before she spun and hastened into the stables. Whistling a merry tune, Colin ducked back into the forge. Indeed today was a day of surprises, and it would only get better with time. As he walked toward the fire to remove a glowing rod, he felt himself grin as he thought of how he would indeed meet her at midnight, perhaps twice.
As Arywnn walked away, she felt as if the excitement and shock of her actions would surely cause her to come apart! What had possessed her to be so bold? She didn't care! What mattered is that it had worked. After last night's adventure and the sleepless night that resulted, she forced herself to make a decision.
She needed help.
The only one she trusted was the same man she would choose if given the chance. Colin.
She would enlist his aid.
Yet she hadn't planned on brazenly approaching him and laying her heart out for him to see, clear as day. In her mind she had been much more subtle, and it was he who admitted to wanting to win her hand, not the opposite! A gentle smile tugged at her lips as she remembered his expression when her words tumbled out. She would have turned away and ran for the hills had his face not betrayed his own deep emotions at her request. Her smile faded slightly as she pondered the
ir secret meeting later this eve. She needed to be honest with him. Tell him of the English Knight, yet part of her wanted to keep it as a delicious secret.
The wooden gate of Garten's padlock felt soft from wear as she ran her fingers over the grain, deep in thought. She had to choose, and it was an easy choice to make. She'd tell Colin. Yet, as she saddled Garten she wondered. If it were such an easy choice, why did she feel like she were the traitor?
Chapter Five
The cool night air was fragrant with the smell of damp leaves and rain. Arywnn walked silently as possible as she wove her way around the moss-covered trees. The loch was shimmering from moonlight that had broken through the receding clouds. With great care she waited by the tree Colin had designated, listening for sounds of his approach. She was early. With a sigh she watched her breath swirl around her face before disappearing into the night.
When Colin arrived she would surely tell him of the English Knight, she had no loyalty to him so it was foolish to feel guilty. Heaviness in her chest betrayed her attempt at belittling her traitorous heart. A chill swept over her skin causing gooseflesh to break out. Another thought pricked her mind. What would Colin say about the kiss? She hadn't thought about that. The choice was made without hesitation. She wouldn't tell him about the kiss. That would be her secret. Everyone was entitled to their own secrets, weren't they? Surely even Colin.
Colin watched as Arywnn kicked the dirt with her boot as she waited under the tree's canopy. The moonlight was just bright enough to see her outline, but not her face. Her muttered words reached his ears, and he grinned as he caught words like 'kiss' and 'secret.' He had debated for hours after she left on whether to perhaps play the blacksmith or the Knight, but until he heard her muttering about secret kisses he hadn't made up his mind. The silent movement of pulling out his scarf and wrapping it around his face caused his lips to form a grin. With each footstep he took toward her he tried to convince himself he was simply testing her loyalty, not trying to steal another kiss.
"Milady, you must not roam about the night. Don't you know there are rogues and knaves about?" The words were spoken with his crisp English inflection. He waited for her response as he walked into the moonlight, circling her as she backed into the tree's shadow further.
"Aye, tis true. In fact I'm seein' one now." Her tone was teasing, but there was a hesitant edge to her voice.
"You wound me! One would hope that my actions last night ought to redeem me to some extent, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, taking a step closer.
"Aye, I'll admit tae that. But you're still a traitor." The words were spoken without conviction, and Colin found that interesting. Just where did her loyalty lie? He had assumed her mumblings meant she was planning on coming clean with him as Colin, but now he wasn't so sure.
"Traitor? Why would you call me such a vile name? What evidence do you hold against me?" He was careful to keep his tone light. Her hesitation was almost comical as he imagined the wheels turning in her head while she tried to come up with a logical answer.
"Well, ye are an Englishman…"
"So I deserve the noose?"
"I didn't take you for the bloodthirsty type, love. It seems a bit harsh to assume that. What have I done wrong? Aside from being English that is." He paced back and forth while watching her dark silhouette from the corner of his eye.
"Everyone knows that an Englishman in the highlands is likely up to no good, plus we have a traitor in the Clan Chattan." She paused before adding. "Tis you."
"Ah, Arywnn. It is Arywnn isn't it?" He looked up, and at her barely discernable nod he continued. "Tis a pity you have assumed so much, I had hoped you were here searching for me, wanting to taste my kiss once more."
"Then ye aren't the traitor?" The tone she used sounded disappointed, but Colin disregarded it. She took a step forward, and he could see her shadowed face a bit clearer.
"Love, I never said that." He spoke lowly, wondering if he made the right decision. It was a dangerous game he was playing. On one hand, he could deny everything and have her search the night for a figment of her imagination, or he could give her a scapegoat, one that would end up unraveling her true loyalties. One that would maybe give him a chance to win her heart for the man he was in truth, rather than the lie.
Arywnn never would have dreamed that he would find her. One moment she had been lost in her own thoughts that centered on him, and the next his voice called to her echoing softly off the water of the nearby loch. The night air thickened with tension as she asked the questions she feared, but needed answered. When he refused to deny her accusation, the weight of the situation burdened her shoulders anew. No longer did she have a reason to keep anything from Colin when he arrived. Why could he not have been a passerby? Then she could have kept her secrets, but now they must be shared. The night was silent as she thought over his words, but one question occurred to her.
"Are ye daft? And why would ye admit tae such a thing?"
"I have admitted to nothing — I implied. You drew your own conclusions."
Arywnn expelled a large breath in exasperation at the turn the conversation had taken.
"As I see it, either way you have no reason to believe me. What have I done to earn your loyalty or trust?" His voice whispered lowly as he walked closer to where she stood. "Aside from your ill-fated attempt at adventure last night and my heroic rescue, that is," he added after a moment's pause. A slight lilt to his voice sounded jovial, but also hinted at a Scottish brogue. That was interesting. But of course if he were the traitor, he would need to blend in. The thought brought a sickening burn to her stomach.
"Aye, ye are right."
"I love hearing those words from a woman." His tone was teasing, but Arywnn was not amused.
"Well savor them sweet, because that'll be the last time the likes of ye hears them from me." She spoke a little too loudly, and covered her mouth with her hand.
"Temper, temper. I only intended to tease, sweet Arywnn."
A few feet closer, and he would be able to reach out and touch her. Why wasn't she afraid? After all, she didn't know him, not truly. He had all but admitted to being the traitor of her clan, yet she couldn't find it within herself to move away as he continued his careful approach.
She struggled to find any detail that would hint at his assumed identity, but none were visible in the silver moonlight. A part of her heart rejoiced that she was able to pretend he wasn't the threat, but no sooner had she thought it than she realized that his freedom meant her prison. For if someone else discovered him, then she would have no hope at all. With new resolve she found her voice.
"No closer." She used a warning tone. When his approach halted, she found herself both thankful and disappointed. The moment she reached up to remove her dagger she found herself pinned to the tree.
"I wouldn't suggest doing something foolish like that," the Englishman whispered into her ear as he held her fast against the trunk. His hands gripped her wrists and wrenched the dagger from her hand without causing her any pain.
"I will not hurt you milady, but I will not allow you to harm me either." His tone held no room for argument. With a resigned sigh, Arywnn gave up her struggle. He wasn't harming her, simply preventing her from harming him.
She gazed up into his dark face, studying it intently. He held her firm, yet waited as if allowing her perusal. She glanced down and expelled a silent breath that swirled in a foggy cloud before disappearing.
"I must admit that you caught me off guard, love. Imagine my surprise, in thinking I was going to steal another kiss, that I find you intending to harm me instead." He tsked his tongue and leaned in closer, ticking the sensitive flesh just below her ear with his breath as he spoke. "Sweet Arywnn has a wicked bite," he murmured.
Arywnn's eyes fluttered closed in response to his warm whispered breath at her neck.
"Yet I understand the hesitation you must feel toward me. More so, I accept
it. I'll leave you to your solitude." His voice was just above a whisper as his lips teased her jawline through the shroud, his warm breath sending shivers down her back. Leaning into his warmth, she almost fell forward as he began to back away. Her eyes flashed open. At once her heart pounded with loss.
Yet how could that be? She didn't know him! There was no reason for her to have any attachment to him. As he backed away a thread connecting her heart to him grew taunt, squeezing her chest with anxiety.
"Forgive me." She whispered, her eyes searching the shadow of his face.
Immediately he paused.
"Do you think me a fool? Surely you know I will not fall for your act a second time. I prefer to keep my blood inside my skin, rather allow you to shed it." His tone was sharp yet he tilted his head, as if questioning her, searching for a reason to stay.
Arywnn huffed. "I think you a great many things, yet a fool is not one. Ye have my word that I'll not try tae shed yer blood again. Ye've caused me no harm, rather the opposite." She whispered the last words, shame pouring hot over her. Yet her father's words rose through, remind her, taunting her with freedom. Yet at what cost?
Colin shifted from one foot to another, unsure of what to do next. Oh, he knew she'd not attack him again. The defiant tilt of her chin spoke of pride, not an attempt to break down his defenses. She had indeed shocked him with the attack. In all his time as a spy he had never let his guard down so completely as when he had leaned closer to inhale the fragrance of rosemary coming from her soft skin. A moment of hesitation, and she would have easily drawn blood.
That would have been hard to explain.
Truly it was a brilliant plan. For if she had drawn blood, then tomorrow all she needed to do was locate the Scotsman with the very same wound. Effectively discovering the traitor. Colin shook his head in wonder. Rather than betrayal, his heart surged with pride over her clever plan.