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Knight of the Highlander Page 7

  As Colin crept back to the secret exit, he heard Rian shout once more, this time victorious. He almost ignored the man, yet when a bright glow began to grow, he turned and discovered the very cart that Rian had almost set to flame earlier, was now burning brightly. The orange flames licked at the gate and began to catch. After a moment of hesitation, Colin ducked through the gate and rushed home. After changing, he ran back to the gate and found Rian among fifteen other men dousing the gate with water, which prevented the flames from devouring more. Soon all that was left of the fire was smoking cinders where the cart of hay had once been, and blackened walls next to the main gate. A now sobered Rian stared at the blackened planks with a horror-struck expression. Men behind him pointed and grumbled.

  A sickening sensation swirled in Colin's belly. More than ever, Rian needed to find the traitor if he wanted the full respect of the clan. He would be ruthless in pursuit, and beyond desperate to frame anyone he pleased.

  Chapter Nine

  Arywnn awoke to the acrid smell of smoke lingering in the air. As she was about to walk to her window and search for the source, a knock sounded at her door. She glanced at the utter darkness outside, and a chilling foreboding overtook her.

  "Aye?" She asked upon opening the door a few inches.

  "Miss? Tis yer mither. I… ye must come miss," a petite older woman spoke quickly then turned to rush off in the direction of her mother's room.

  Arywnn closed the door and wrapped herself in a length of plaid, tossing her braid over her shoulder. She entered the hall, and silently followed the well-worn path to her mother's room. As she neared, the familiar smell of vinegar assaulted her and she knocked softly on her mother's door.

  "Come in, miss. She's askin' fer ye." The same petite woman moved aside, and Arywnn heard the labored breathing of her mother.

  "Mither?" Arywnn called as she drew closer to the frail woman. Her usual neatly braided hair was mussed, and her body shook with the effort it took to take each breath.

  "Ar—whhnn," her mother attempted. She reached out a pale hand, and Arywnn grasped her cold flesh.

  "Dinnae' fash yerself, mither. I'm here. Save yer strength." Tears began to pool in her eyes before welling over and pouring down her face in endless succession.

  "Love… you," her mither whispered, then relaxed.

  "I love ye as well." Arywnn leaned forward to kiss her mother's wrinkled forehead as the wheezing ceased. Her tears increased as the petite servant woman placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  "She wanted tae say goodbye tae ye," the woman whispered.

  "Thank ye, for comin' tae get me."

  "Yer welcome."

  Arywnn placed a final kiss to her mother's cheek then rose. The servant handed her two copper coins, and tenderly Arywnn close her mother's eyes then placed the coins over them. Tears fell silently as she stood glazing down at the peaceful body as it took its final rest.

  "I'll miss ye, mither." It wasn't always easy to serve her mother, especially as her mind continued to fail, but was always done in love. As Arywnn glanced over at the woman, she noticed her covering her mother's mirror with a cloth, and preparing a plate of salt.

  "Keeps the body from swellin' till burial, miss."

  Arywnn nodded and watched as the woman placed the saucer of salt on her mother's silent chest.

  "I'll be tellin' the cook tae pour out the milk and put the nails in the bread. T'keep it from the taint of death. I'll leave ye tae be the lykewake. I'll be needin' tae tell the Laird now mistress." Arywnn nodded.

  "I'll also turn out the cat. Dinnae' want her jumpin' over the corpse, and lettin' the devils in. Yer mither deserves better than that," the woman mumbled as she left.

  "Aye." Arywnn watched the woman leave then settled onto the chair next to her mother's bed with a deep sigh. She placed her hand on her mother's and waited.

  Surely her father would pay proper respect to her mother. There would be many participating in the lykewake, in watching over the body. In turn they would celebrate her mother's life, and her final rest.

  Soon loud footsteps echoed in the hallway, alerting Arywnn of her father's arrival. The door to her mother's room opened forcefully, startling her. She glanced behind her to find her father's gaze boring down on her, then her mother.

  "T'was about time. Ye will be the lykewake for now. I'll have Annie come up with ye. We'll set the kisten for a few days hence." He nodded once, then left. Not once did he even pause to pay respect to the woman that had been his wife for over twenty years. At his departure, Arywnn shook her head in anger. Truly her father was heartless. The servant woman entered again, and cast Arywnn a pitying glance as she went to her mother's wardrobe. She removed a clean garment.

  "Would ye assist in preparin' yer mither?" she asked tenderly.

  "T'would be an honor."

  The preparation of the body took a few hours, but when finished her mother was beautifully dressed with her arms peacefully crossed over her breasts. Visitors began to arrive and pay respect. As night approached, Arywnn continued to keep watch over her mother's body, as was custom. She lit the lone candle and waited.


  The funeral was a bustling affair with most of the clan celebrating the life of their chief's wife. Children were told of the bees spreading the news of the dead. With wide eyes, they watched the buzzing creatures with new fascination. Arywnn didn't believe in the old tradition, but enjoyed the children's rapture. A large meal was prepared, and cheese and ale given freely. In this, her father did pay a measure of honor to his wife. As the crowd dispersed, her eyes caught the gaze of Colin. He took a step forward, but then seemed to changed his mind. He offered a slight nod and placed his hand over his heart. Arywnn nodded, thankful for his gesture of sympathy. He left without another glance, leaving Arywnn with the ever-present feeling of loneliness.

  "How are ye farin'?" Annie spoke with a tender voice.

  "I'm well. Thankful she is now at peace."

  "Aye. T'was her due."

  "Aye," Arywnn replied, nodding at Annie's gentle expression of sympathy. Annie pulled her into a hug. Arywnn was thankful for her friend's comfort.

  "I'll leave ye tae yer mournin'."

  The celebration over, Arywnn went to her room and began to undress. She paused. What she wanted was to be free of the castle walls just for a few blessed moments. The lykewake and kisten had required all of her time, which she didn't regret, however, she needed fresh air. She wrapped her plaid around her shoulders, and crept into the hall.

  Once outside the castle, she made her way to the gate, always making sure to stay in the shadows. She cast a longing glace to the stables wishing she could take Garten on the night ride, yet she continued on foot. She passed through the secret gate, the one she used with Colin and made her way into the forest. Keeping from the path, she wove around the trees till she found herself at the loch where she met both Colin and Knight.

  Cloudy breath swirled around her face as she made her way to the cool water. She trailed her hands through the glassy surface, and watched the ripples travel further and further away. Her thoughts drifted with the ripples as she contemplated Knight and Colin.

  Both men were such a mystery. Colin was strong, eager to help; yet so much of him remained a puzzle. He had lived among her people for years, yet she knew little about him. He was both kind and resourceful, a skilled worker but silent and willing to blend in. His handsome appearance had captivated her from the start, and his tender regard for the children of the village endeared him more. Yet what of Knight? Clearly he wasn't of her people, yet he risked his life to save her from a dangerous position. His kisses ignited a passion in her she didn't understand, and at night his laughter was the last sound that rang in her ears. Her lips twisted in contempt of her foolish fantasies. Here she was trying to decide whom her heart belonged too, yet she likely would never get the chance to choose. If Knight was the traitor, which he most likely was, then she couldn't turn him in, which left her with no hope
of having a choice in her husband. With a heavy sigh, she stood and began to walk away from the loch, intent on going home.

  "Looking for me?" a crisp voice called to her from the night's shadows.

  Arywnn spun around and searched the darkness, her heart beating wildly from both fright and exhilaration.

  "No," Arywnn whispered.

  "You wound me, love. Here I thought you were missing me, as I've missed you."

  "What would make ye think that?"

  Her question was met with silence. The darkness shifted slightly, and Arywnn tried to follow the movement, but couldn't. A warm touch trailed down her back, and she spun around to find Knight a breath away, chuckling.

  "Jumpy are we?"

  "When ye scared the wits out of me, yes," Arywnn spoke breathlessly.

  "Forgive me." He leaned forward and traced warm trails down her face with a feather like touch.

  Arywnn closed her eyes and leaned into his caress, savoring the warmth and comfort.

  "What has led you out this night? If not your search for me, then what?" He continued to caress her face as he whispered the words against the curve of her neck.

  "I needed… I wanted tae gather my thoughts," she spoke hesitantly as her skin prickled with heat from the tender touch of his lips on the soft flesh of her neck.

  "Had they run from you?"

  Arywnn stepped back and shook her head, trying to clear away the hazy fog of desire he effortlessly had woven over her.

  "No… thoughts dinnae' run." She clasped her hands in front of her skirts. "I needed time tae think. Time for myself."

  "And I've interrupted, my apologies—"

  "Nay, ye've not interrupted…"


  "But… I just dinnae' ken. Who are ye? And how do ye have such a hold on my heart when I know so little about ye? Do ye know who I am? What I could do if I told my father about ye? And yet ye find me, kiss me till I forget my name and…" Arywnn trailed off, frustrated and confused.

  "Secrets are heavy burdens to bear. I apologize that mine is added to the weight you already carry." His voice was soft.

  A slight breeze shifted through the trees, and Arywnn shifted her plaid higher to add warmth against the sudden chill.

  "I know who you are… and what ye can do if you share my secret, sweet Arywnn. I simply find you worth the risk."

  "Why? How well could ye possibly know me?"

  "Well enough to take the chance."

  "Why?" Arywnn's question was barely a whisper.

  "Why not?"

  Arywnn shorted. Why not indeed! A few thousand reasons for the lunacy of their friendship, let alone love interest in one another, flew through her mind in quick succession.

  "I know what you're thinking… and that's not what I meant." His voice was firm but still gentle.

  "What did ye mean then?"

  "Do you trust yourself so little? Do you not think yourself worthy of the trust I have in you? Do you not think yourself worthy of being pursued? I though we discussed this earlier, and I made my intentions quite clear. I'm not after anything save your heart. A noble prize for a worthy man."

  "But I—"

  "How do you fair after the passing of your mother?"

  Arywnn paused.

  "Just because you don't see me, doesn't me I don't see you, Sweet Arywnn.

  "Is…" Arywnn began as the pieces began to fall into place in rapid succession. Could he be the one? The one whose eyes she felt watching her?

  "Have you ever…?" Arywnn tried again, but was unable to word the question. Straightening her shoulders, she spoke clearly.

  "It's ye… ye are the one that's watched me."

  "Ah, sweet Arywnn… watching is what I'm trained to do."


  Colin stepped forward tentatively, watching her body shift then still at his approach. He narrowed his eyes. Was he not as hidden as he had originally thought? If so, was she the only one who had noticed, or had others? Fleeting questions spun through his mind, but were halted as his attention was drawn to her tongue darting out to moisten her lush lips. Again he stood with the moonlight to his back, drinking in her silver beauty enhanced by the moon.

  "Ye are trained tae watch… whom?" Arywnn asked in a hesitant tone. She worried her lower lip, and gripped the front of her plaid in her small fists.


  "Why me?"

  Colin paused a moment, then plunged in, hoping the small measure of truth he could provide would not be his undoing.

  "Must we start this again?" Colin shook his head. "Love, watching you is like breathing. Not seeing you is like holding my breath. I can only go so long without my heart falling silent. The heart is true, but it isn't always wise."

  "No, it isn't always wise," Arywnn whispered as she took a step forward. Her green eyes were silver in the moonlight as they searched his hidden face.

  Colin's breath caught as she reached out and ran her fingers down his arm, sending heated shivers through the cloth of his black tunic.

  "How many times did I dream about ye? Wonder who was so silently watchin' when no one else seemed tae care." Her other hand reached down, and her dainty fingers laced through his gloved hand.

  Colin's heart raced at her intimate touch, at how her hand fit perfectly within his own.

  "Now I only wished I had a face tae carry with me in my dreams," she whispered the words as a plea.

  It was almost Colin's breakdown. To be known, to no longer hide his face when she searched for his watching eyes. Yet the risk was too great. A risk he couldn't take because of the depth of his love.

  Rather than speak the words he so desperately wanted to say, he reached up to remove the shroud from covering his lips, but Arywnn's touch to his shoulder stilled him. Her delicate hand reached up and lifted the shroud till his lips were uncovered. With achingly graceful motion, she rose up on her toes and placed a feather light kiss across his lips. The touch was like a hot coal searing his lips. He pressed for more, leaning in as she drew away. With ravenous hunger, he feasted on her lush lips and dove into the warmth of her mouth, tasting her flavor and savoring its essence. A sigh escaped her lips. Colin's body shook with passion, but he carefully restrained himself, holding his emotions in check.

  He reached out and pulled her soft body into the hard plane of his chest, inhaling deeply. The scent of rosemary colored the kiss he continued to lavish on her. The kiss she shared. Soft hands trailed up his solid chest, and left shivers of hot desire in their wake. She finally reached behind his neck and pulled his mouth in closer, deepening the kiss. As her tongue flicked against his teeth, Colin's heartbeat broke into a sprint and he lifted her, pressing her carefully against an old oak. Her legs surrounded him, and desire tightened every part of his body. Before he abandoned all, he broke the fiery seal of their lips, and trailed warm kisses down her soft neck as he regained his self-control.

  His blood roared in his ears; demanding he take her and claim her as his own, yet he knew he must not. It would be a passionate moment, but would leave her wondering if any of his words were true, or if he only wanted her for pleasure. He refused to torture her soul in that way. So with a heavy heart, he leaned away from her warm body, and stared at her face. Her eyes were still closed in rapture, and her lips were swollen from his fierce attack, but a smile lifted the corners of her mouth ever so slightly. Pride welled in his chest, as well as tenderness.

  She blinked and gazed into the darkness where his face would be, if not partially covered by the shroud. Her eyes darted back and forth, seeming to search for something before her gaze dipped down to his lips. With two fingers raised, she traced the outline of his lips and smiled.

  "If I cannae' have a face to dream of, then at least I have yer kisses tae warm me. T'will be wonderous dreams indeed," she whispered, and then leaned forward to kiss him once more. Quickly, she leaned away.

  "Aye, let my kisses follow you wherever you are, Sweet Arywnn. For wherever you are, that is where I wish to be.

  Chapter Ten

  Colin lay back on his pallet, willing his ridged body to relax so that he might succumb to the blissful ignorance of sleep. Long after he saw Arywnn back to the keep he had lain awake, indeed he still did. The moon had set long ago and the brilliant stars littered the sky. He focused on the twinkling lights, but they only reminded him of how Arywnn's eyes sparkled with laughter when she rode Garten. He rolled over facing the glowing embers of the fire. Yet even there, his mind called forth a vision of her auburn hair dancing in the sunlight with highlights the same color as the embers. After a frustrated growl, Colin rose. He dressed and headed out to his only known salvation from the fire within, the forge.

  Dawn was beginning to break as Colin placed another horseshoe into the water. The steam rose and hissed till the hot metal was cooled, and he removed it setting it to the side. The words between the Laird and Rian echoed in Colin's mind once more. He had only a short time to devise a plan that would free both him and Arywnn.

  Would she abandon her family for him? Would she dare leave it all behind? Would she regret her decision if she did follow him, only to find out his duplicity? Colin shook his head and closed his eyes. And what about whomever Rian planned to frame as the traitor? In good conscience, Colin could not leave behind a poor and innocent man to take his punishment. No, he'd have to carefully arrange it so that Rian couldn't frame another, yet time it so that he and Arywnn couldn't be found. Colin's mind spun as he factored in the window of time needed to get from the Clan Chattan lands to the port at Aberdeen. Surely they could board a ship for England across the North Sea. His orders stated those instructions. Silas would help them.

  "I dinnae' ken that ye were as daft as they say," a voice sliced through Colin's planning. Though silently berating himself for being caught unaware, he shrugged his shoulders and turned to face Rian.

  "I'm no a one tae care what people are sayin' about me. What is it that ye need, Rian? Horse toss a shoe?" Colin adjusted his expression into a bland indifferent mask. Rian's brown eyes scanned his shoulders then glanced about the forge.